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Airbiotic24 Probiotic Air Purifier, White

AIRBIOTIC24 – the latest solution for maintaining cleanliness in any room.


  • Fights harmful bacteria
  • Safe for children
  • Safe for pets
  • Does not irritate the mucous membrane, because it does not contain chemicals

Original price was: €129.99.Current price is: €107.50. not inc. VAT

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An innovative solution that includes the benefits of disinfecting all rooms without causing negative consequences for residents.
New and innovative air purifier AirBiotic24. Suitable for both living and working spaces.


The set includes:

  • Wall mount (holder);
  • USB charger;
  • 1 refill cartridge;
  • Airbiotic24 machine
  • EAN: 4745090630107


Particles of dead cells

Every second, particles of dead cells fall off our skin, this process is invisible to us, but particles of hair and skin remain in our homes, attaching primarily to textiles: carpets, curtains, soft furniture, pillows.

Pathogens are various microorganisms, which include fungi, viruses, bacteria, as well as specific proteins – prions, which can cause pathological conditions in other living beings.



100% natural and environmentally friendly. Does not irritate the mucous membrane and is safe for all family members: humans and animals.



1 refill capsule contains 50,000,000 probiotic bacteria per ml and works with an automatic timer. The good bacteria that enter the environment when sprayed repel bad bacteria and create a healthy microflora in the room. Thanks to the effect of Airbiotic24, the time required for cleaning is reduced by 2-7 times and cleaning costs by 20%.

A 100 ml bottle lasts for 1.5-2 months. The effect area of the sprayer is 50 m2.
NB! Only original cylinders work in the dispenser. Filling capsules are sold in packs of 1, 2 and 4.



removes dirt, unpleasant odors, harmful bacteria, dust, allergens and reduces the accumulation of static dirt and the risk of contracting viral infections. The number of bed and dust mites decreases 5 times in just a week, thanks to which the probability of allergy and asthma attacks decreases by 80%.



The ultrasonic spraying layer was an extremely thin layer on the surface and does it almost silently because it is battery powered.



  • Fights harmful bacteria
  • Safe for children
  • Safe for pets
  • Does not irritate the mucous membrane, because it does not contain chemicals

AIRBIOTIC24 helps to get rid of:



Many people are susceptible to viral diseases, especially the flu epidemic. We come into contact with virus carriers at work, in public transport, shops, schools, classes and kindergartens. Due to a weakened immune system, the body cannot fight viruses. Due to constant illnesses, the body gets tired and ages faster. AIRBIOTIC24 effectively fights infections, viruses and bad bacteria, protects the room from any attack by viruses and saves the body from fighting pathogens. Since there is no constant need to fight viruses, the immune system is restored and strengthened, life is extended by 20-30%.



Everyone knows how difficult it is to remove fungus and mold from bathrooms and toilets. It seems that cleaning requires the use of the strongest chemicals, which are dangerous to health and can irritate the skin. AIRBIOTIC24 significantly reduces the risk of fungal infections and the air becomes clean and free of fungi. Every apartment contains microorganisms – bed and dust mites, which also cause allergic reactions: the skin is red and irritated, cracks, peels and itches unpleasantly, the nose runs, tears flow from the eyes and the sneezing doesn’t want to stop. AIRBIOTIC24 helps eliminate the dangers of allergies: in just two weeks, the number of bed and dust mites decreases five times, thanks to which the probability of allergy and asthma attacks decreases by 80%. You will get rid of allergies and asthma and you will be able to breathe deeply



Unpleasant odors from the room can be eliminated safely, without using chemicals. Chemicals are difficult to completely wash off floors, bedding and containers, they deposit on pets’ fur and paws, and animals can get poisoned or chemically burned by licking themselves. When you use AIRBIOTIC24, the need to use chemicals disappears.
In addition to the disappearance of animal odors, AIRBIOTIC24 helps to remove other unpleasant odors in the room – from food, tobacco, garbage, sewage, repairs.