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DAST DECORTEX 1,5/1mm 25kg

Decorative ready-to-use coat, based on Silicate-Silicone resin that serves for the treatment of facades and indoor surfaces. It is an ecologically tested product. Manufactured based on HTT technology, allows wall airing and mold prevention.

Original price was: €85.00.Current price is: €72.00. not inc. VAT

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Product code: dastdeco25

Decorative ready-to-use coat, based on Silicate-Silicone resin that serves
for the treatment of facades and indoor surfaces. It is an ecologically
tested product. Manufactured based on HTT technology (Hörman
Transparent Technology), allows wall airing and mold prevention.
Thanks to the new formula with synthetic fibers and special additives
in its content, this product does not allow cracks and impurities to unify
with it, thus self-cleansing easily.

-It allows vapor permeability of the wall.
-Forms a stable structure.
-Closes cement-lime-based cracks in plasters.
-Forms a beautiful and protective structure against atmospheric agents.
-It is characterized by good opening and workability.
-It is characterized by a long working time.
-In conformity with EN 15824.
-Easily applied product.
It is suitable to create decorative coatings with excellent waterproof,

adhesive and elastic qualities. It is also used to create decorative coat-
ings on surfaces filled with basic thermal insulating mortars, which

have been flattened beforehand with TECNOFIX or CONEXION 99 in
the thermal insulation systems, after having been treated with


The support where DECORTEX will be applied should be cleaned be-
forehand from dust and petroleum, oil, varnishes and wax residues and

from anti-adhesion materials. Cleaning of oils, varnishes, wax, or anti-
adhesion materials is done mechanically or manually. Before the appli-
cation of DECORTEX, the support should be leveled and flattened with

Tecnofix. Supports should be flat and mechanically stable, in function
of intended usage.

The product is ready to use. Application can be done manually through

a screed. Immediately after he application of the product on the sup-
port, flatten it through a plastic screed by horizontal, vertical or circu-
lar movements, depending on the aesthetic effect you wish to achieve.

Workability depends on the absorbent quality of the support and envi-
ronment temperature.

-During the application of the product, the environment temperature
should be higher than 5°C.
-When there are high temperatures, after the application, sprinkle the
product with water in order to avoid water losses.

-During the application of the product, pay attention to avoid face con-
tact with the product because this product is classified as irritant in

contact with face.


Structure Consumption
Granular structure 1 mm 2-2.5 kg/m2
Granular structure 1.5 mm 2.5-3.0 kg/m2
Striped structure 2 mm 3.0-3.5 kg/m2
Striped structure 3.2 mm 4.5-5.0 kg/m2
Form Paste
Color White
Storage 24 months in its original packaging

and dry environment
Combustibility incombustible
Resistance to moisture good
Application temperature +5oC to +35oC
Application time 25 min in 20oC
Density 1,75 kg/lit
Water absorption ≤ 0,2 Kg/m2
· h0.5
Thermal conductivity 0.7 W / m · K
Adhesive strength ≥ 1,5 N/mm2