Once upon a time, there lived a stove maker named Paul, whose work motto was: “My work must live and warm people’s homes longer than I do, meaning it must be done as thoroughly and with as much quality as possible.” And so it was. Stove maker Paul has long been gone, but the stoves he made are still in our homes, warming our bodies and souls. From stove maker Paul’s work ethic, the brand STOVEMAN (stove man) was born. Our products embody durability, quality, and warmth. The caressing heat and sauna experience of STOVEMAN sauna stoves are more than just a sauna. The sauna stoves are suitable for both dry and moist steam. The taste of food prepared in our grills and smokehouses is memorable, and the products themselves are purchased for many years to come.
At Stoveman, you’ll find high-quality and durable grilling products (barbecue pans, fire pits, BBQs, grill accessories), sauna products (sauna heaters, sauna stoves, sauna accessories, sauna towels), and smokehouses. Look for quality from the maker – Stoveman!
STOVEMAN sauna stoves, or sauna heaters, are designed for obtaining dry or moist steam in a domestic household. Thanks to a large amount of sauna stones hiding the metal surface’s radiation, a Stoveman sauna heater provides a pleasant sauna experience with its gently soft and long-lasting steam. The sauna stove, or colloquially, the sauna heater by Stoveman, features enhanced air exchange, its combustion chamber’s outer walls are equipped with air channels! Air channels receive circulation air from under the base of the heater, warming up, the warm air moves up through the channels and exits between the top stones of the heater. Most of the exterior shape of Stoveman sauna heaters is round. The sauna stove is heated through the wall. If desired, a heat exchanger SV1 for heating water can be installed in the sauna stoves. All parts of the sauna stove that come into contact with flame are made from 8 mm sheet steel. Use chimney connection pipes with a CE marking intended for flue gas temperatures of at least 600°C to connect the Stoveman sauna stove to the chimney. The amount of sauna stones depends on the specific model, but our specialists can help find the appropriate quantity of stones for the heater. Stoveman is known for its high-quality sauna heaters, offering a wide range of heaters for both private and public saunas. Their heaters are valued for durability, efficient heat distribution, and robust design that fits well with various sauna styles. Stoveman sauna heaters are made using quality materials, ensuring long-lasting durability.
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