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Self-levelling floor compound MF-900 MATIFLOW / thickness 2.5-40 mm, 25 kg

MF-900 MATIFLOW 10 is a self-leveling floor compound that levels thickness differences from 2.5 to 40 mm in new and existing interior floors where high load and traffic resistance is required.

Original price was: €23.31.Current price is: €20.60. not inc. VAT

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MF-900 MATIFLOW 10 is a self-leveling floor compound that levels thickness differences from 2.5 to 40 mm in new and existing interior floors where high load and traffic resistance is required.


Application Areas:

Leveling of concrete slabs and cement-based substrates.
Under wood, laminate flooring, carpet, PVC, linoleum, and ceramic tiles.
Floors exposed to heavy loads and high traffic, such as warehouses, to protect against dusting and abrasion.
Heated floors.



Fully self-leveling.
High adhesion capability.
Can be applied in layers up to 40 mm thick without shrinkage, cracking, or splitting.
Develops very high compressive and flexural strength.
Resistant to abrasion.



Slowly pour 25 kg of MF-900 MATIFLOW 10 into 5.5 – 6 liters of water and mix until a homogeneous, self-leveling, lump-free paste is obtained. A low-speed mixer is recommended for mixing.
Let the paste sit for 2-3 minutes to mature. After remixing, it is ready for use.
Pour the mixture onto the surface and spread it evenly with a trowel or leveling rake. If possible, apply the desired thickness in a single application. The flow and surface quality can be improved by removing air from the fresh mixture with a spiked roller.
Consumption: 1.5 – 1.7 kg/m² (per 1 mm thickness).



Post-application protection and recommendations:

The product should be used within 20 minutes. Weather conditions such as high temperature, low humidity, and wind may shorten this period.
Do not add additives not mentioned in the instructions.
Dispose of any mortar that has exceeded its usage time.
Protect the floor from wind and direct sunlight during application.
MF-900 MATIFLOW 10 is ready for the installation of elastic, carpet, and laminate flooring, PVC, ceramic, and wood coverings 24 hours after application at 23°C (the time may vary depending on the thickness of the leveling layer, room temperature, and humidity).
Fresh surfaces should be protected from direct sunlight, strong air currents, high air temperature (above +35°C), rain, and frost.
Hands and tools should be thoroughly washed after application.




Packages should be stored in dry and cool conditions at +5°C – +35°C, free from moisture. Avoid direct sunlight.
Packages should be protected from water, frost, and adverse weather conditions.