5 easy steps to place an order:
- Pick a product from our website.
- Click on โREQUEST A QUOTEโ to add the product to your cart. You can edit your cart by adding or removing products. To do this, click on the corresponding icon
- Fill out the request form with the required information.
- To confirm the request, click on โREQUEST A QUOTEโ once more.
- We will contact you within 24 hours.
An offer will be sent to you as soon as possible, no later than 3 business days.
Once the offer is confirmed, payment is made on the basis of the invoice. The products are reserved only after the invoice has been paid. When paying the invoice, be sure to include the invoice number. It is also possible to pay for the products in installments (only in Estonia), you can select accordingly when filling out the form. When buying for a company, enter the following data in the request: name of the company, legal address, registration code, and VAT identification number. The products belong to Factory.Sale Oร until the total amount indicated on the invoice has arrived in our bank account.
We offer transportation for an additional cost. We need the exact delivery address to create a quote: street name, city, country, and zip code. After the invoice is paid, the order is assembled and sent to the delivery address at the agreed time.
โโFinal sale prices are valid while supplies last, we recommend checking with customer service about stock availability.
Product descriptions and images: the product corresponds to the product description, and images may be illustrative.
The minimum order is displayed in the product description.
Thank you for your trust!
Your Factory.Sale team
We guarantee the best price on the market! Make your own offer here: here with just one click!ย
Have you found products at a better price?
Our platform offers a good opportunity to buy products using the function – Make an offer. What does it mean? By clicking on any sauna product, you can offer the price at which you are interested in buying the product. All you need to do is send us information and visual proof that the given product is offered somewhere at a lower price.
After submitting the request, we will contact you within 24 hours.